
Ingestre Park Golf Club

Fri 21
Sat 22
Sun 23

Course Status

Ingestre Park Golf Club: COURSE OPEN on 18 Holes with 10 Winter greens in play. Buggy users to play holes 10-18 only. Fairway mats to be used on all closely mown areas.

Course Status
TEL: 01889 270845

Mental Health & Golf

Golf can be an incredible sport for your mental health – it requires calm focus and combines exercise outdoors with a good chat with mates.

We want our members and visitors to be able to talk about their mental health and think our beloved sport of golf is a great way to do that.

We know that 2020 and beyond with the impact of Covid-19 has not been an easy time for some and mental health has further been put into the spotlight,  and Ingestre Park wants to be at the forefront of the push to normalise discussing mental health and pushing all the benefits that can be had right here at the Club for both established golfers and total beginners to our game.

If you’re keen to learn more about #BoostingMentalHealthThroughGolf visit and speak to Mike Shewan or Ben to discuss getting involved!

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